A reference and toolset for homeowners, architects, and builders.
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What are Architectural Elevations and What Do They Show?
When you hear the term “elevation”, we typically thing of the distance above sea level….
What is a Reflected Ceiling Plan (RCP)?
You may not take time to look up when you enter a new room, but…
What is a Foundation Plan?
Foundations create stability and a base for our buildings. They are the first portion of…
What Does “TYP” Mean? What is a typical detail?
“TYP” is one of the most common abbreviations you’ll see in a set of construction…
What is a Roof Plan?
Imagine looking down from 100′ above a building. This is what is drawn in a…
What Are Floor Plans & What Do They Show?
The architectural plans are the heart and soul of any drawing set. The initial concept…
What Does RGD stand for in Construction?
You’ve just received an email from the contractor, and they mentioned something about “RGDs.” Not…
Nominal vs Actual Lumber Sizes (with charts)
Wood has been used to create shelter for nearly as long as humans have walked…
Attic Insulation Removal: What to consider for DIY
Removing insulation from your attic is a decision to not be made lightly. Read on…